What is the most important skill that you will ever need to learn as a poker player?  The answer is very simple, and if you do not learn it early on, it can be a very painful lesson.  Proper bankroll management skills are the most important skills that you will ever learn as a poker player.

A poker bankroll refers to the money that you have set aside to strictly for the sole purpose of playing poker off of.  You never want to put yourself into a situation that leaves you with little or no money and forces you to dig into reserves or savings to play poker off of.

Learn from the many others that have gone before you, and learn proper poker bankroll management.  

Are you looking to build your online poker account from $5 up to $500?  How about from $1 to $100,000?  Think it cannot be done?  You are wrong.

Poker bankroll challenges and prop bets have become more prevalent in the recent years, as people challenge themselves to go from a very small amount to a large amount, showing that it is possible.  One of the most famous bankroll challenges was completed by Chris "Jesus" Ferguson when he built a bankroll to $10,000.00 starting with $0.00 in his account.  Another extreme example of bankroll management was Boku87's challenge on Pokerstars in which he went from $5.00 to $100,000 in right about 10 months!

Still think that it cannot be done?

Poker training websites are a good source of information to learn from as they teach you poker on a variety of topics including proper bankroll management.  Visit a training site and begin your own poker bankroll challenge today!  No matter where you are in terms of poker level, there is always a challenge to complete.  Go from $10-$100.  Make $100,000 off of $1,000.  Come up with your own challenge and find a way to get it done.